Monday, January 1, 2018

Top Ten Posts in 2017

As I do at the beginning of each year, I have taken a look back at the most popular of my posts in the past year. Who are the winners among the 196 that I posted in 2017, based on the number of hits on each one? Here they are:

1. I appreciate the fact that my own near death experience was the top hit of 2017, and believe me when I say that I'm glad to be here in 2018 writing this!

2. It still warms my heart to read and think about the post on demography now and then.

3. Somewhat surprisingly, at least in my mind, was the fact that third on the list was the post about El Salvador having the most strict abortion laws in the world. The map showing the north-south divide in abortion is a rather startling geodemographic visual.

4. There is a tendency in the world today for people to shrug off the fact that the world's population growth continues to have genuinely negative consequences for people and the environment. This was the message in the post about famine looms. When you read this, you will see that there is a comment that seems to be unanswered. In fact, I did answer it, and that answer is 9th on this list.

5. Posts about the 2020 Census in the U.S. have all gotten a lot of hits, but the winner was the first one I put up in January discussing the fact that the redistricting battles were already heating up.

6. The sixth most hit upon post was the one a year ago about the Top Ten posts of 2016. So, if you want to relive that year demographically, you know where to find it.

7. Spain's appointment of a new "Sex Tsar" caught a lot of attention. The low-low fertility countries of southern Europe feel that they need to do something demographically besides just accept refugees from Africa and the Middle East. By the way, I don't see any evidence online that the birth rate in Spain has yet responded to anything proposed by the Sex Tsar.

8. I was very pleased to see that among the top ten posts was my summary of Mary Waters' lecture here in San Diego last year. Her discussion about "crimmigrants" and the new legal apartheid in America is even more cogent after a year of Trump administration policies.

9. This post was really a lengthy response to a comment made by Abu Daoud on my post of the previous day about looming famines (see #4 above). Here I say a bit more about the demographics of famine.

10. I've blogged fairly often about the demographics of Japan, including three times in 2017. The first post, about Japan facing up to its aging population, was the most popular of those three and rounds out the top ten.

Again, I'm happy to be here able to wish you Happy New Year!

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