Saturday, May 10, 2014

12th Edition of Population is in Production

The big news to me this weekend is that the 12th edition of Population is now complete and in the hands of the publisher for production. Here's a preview of the cover:

It won't actually be on the shelves until late Fall (hard cover and Kindle edition and various other options), but I'll offer some previews as we get closer to the actual publication date.


  1. Dr. Weeks,

    Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I have enjoyed using your Population book in one of my Sociology classes! I have used your book for the past 10 years in my Population and Society class and students have always enjoyed the current topics and thought provoking discussion stemming from your text. Just thought I would let you know from the front line of teaching that your book works! :) Cheers! Dr. Greg Gullion (Texas Wesleyan University)
