Friday, December 20, 2013

Tools You Can Use in Demography

The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) is the oldest academic organization in the field of demography, with roots dating back to 1928: a meeting in Paris, which followed the International Population Conference held in Geneva during the preceding year (August 29 - September 3, 1927). This was the first World Population Conference - it was organised by Margaret Sanger - stressing the crucial nature of the population problems and their influence on social, economic and political situations.
The organization is headquartered in Paris, but most of its online content is in English, and an email to members today reminded us of several resources that are available to all users, made available through funding from the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). These materials include the following:

Tools for Demographic Estimation [especially useful for researchers--essentially an update of the famous--in demography--Manual X from the United Nations which we have all been using for a long time];

Population Analysis for Policies and Programmes [could be used as a supplement to my text];

and Demopaedia (the online Multilingual Demographic Dictionaryand the wiki project) [similar to the glossary in my book, but having the advantage of doing so in several different languages].

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